Waz up
this shit tiggt b but on a real azz note when you gonna finish hello n god\odbye im really into that slow down shiz man hit me back when u finish it .
Waz up
this shit tiggt b but on a real azz note when you gonna finish hello n god\odbye im really into that slow down shiz man hit me back when u finish it .
I give you a ten for the effort you put forth i really want to hear this song finished good job maybe if yo ulet me when itss done i can spit a few rymes on it.
i like this one aswell
if your looking for some one to rap on your songs let me know
i will
very original i like alot we shoul talk i would really like to learn cause im learning but im still no good
ok i will
man this is awsome
i was wondering you can each me some of how you do this if you can email me @ Cubanman77@hotmail.com
another hit man good job dude you are the king mate, your gonna make brother
Thanks man! That's a compliment :D Reviews like these keep mah moral up :) Thanks for the review man!
DJ Runaway
another amazing song bro keep it up man hey email bro we need to chat alright i git to ask u a question.
i like it i really like it
this song is nice relaxing and its fun to listen to when its raining i give it two thumbs up i would give it more but i only have 2 thumbs lol good job keep it up
Well thanx for the review !
But my raiting is going down by the day.
So i'll just keep smiling and make more , so i can get to the top again!
due this was great ma8! lol
Another hit
listen dude i have some beats on beaterator.com so if u want ill give my pass and let u listen there not that great but hey tell me what think of them ooooh and i for got to ask um let see um TEACH ME I MUST LEARN LEARN...LEARN DAMMIT LEARN HAHAHAHHAHA.......um oh sry any ways yeha um great song lol.
........you can dance if you want to you can leave your friends behind but your friends wont dance and if they dont dance then your no friend of mine!
Age 36, Male
Hillsborough High
Joined on 7/20/05